Arts & Culture

Arts & Education at Your Fingertips

The University Club of Portland is proud to be an active participant in the Arts & Culture community. Our location in downtown Portland and among the Arts & Cultural district has allowed many of our Members to become heavily involved with local arts & higher education organizations and nonprofits. Our Club itself has many robust programs that support and integrate the art & higher education culture into our Club.

  • We offer year long Artist-in-Residence, Author-in-Residence and Musician-in-Residence programs for local artists and authors.
  • We have a special Arts & Education Nonprofit Membership that allows local nonprofits to join the Club and expand their network of supporters and participants. Local organizations such as the Oregon Ballet Theater, Oregon Historical Society, Portland Opera, Cognizart by MetroArts and Fear No Music are all Members of the University Club through the nonprofit program.
  • Members are offered discounts from various local organizations for plays, shows, concerts, and performances.